
The goal of a worksite assessment is to gain an overview of the demands of the worker’s pre injury duties and the availability of other suitable duties.

At the worksite the physical environment, the physical demands of the pre injury duties and possible available duties, mental demands of the work, working conditions and the psychosocial issues at the workplace are assessed.

This information is then shared with the other treating team so that the recovery plan can be targeted to the goal of pre injury duties. This information assists the treating doctor in certifying capacity to work.

Part of the worksite assessment includes an analysis of specific difficulties and job performance and recommended solutions to the most effective way of performing these duties. It may include workplace modifications and solutions to assist the worker in completing the job and avoiding aggravation. Photos and videos are often used to enable the treating doctor to gain a better understanding of the demands of the work.

There are often non-physical factors that can be addressed by performing a worksite assessment. The Australian Institute for Primary Care (2006) report outlined that one of the most significant factors in achieving return to work following injury is the effective communication and collaboration between the health care professionals and the workplace.

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